I’m a documentary filmmaker based between Singapore and Lisbon, drawn to stories of migration, existentialism, and the creative process. I direct, write, produce, and love picking up the camera whenever I can.

My work spans television and digital platforms, with feature-length documentaries for Channel NewsAsia, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and Curiosity Stream, as well as digital shorts for South China Morning Post Films, Euronews, and Rice Media. Some have been recognized at various international festivals.

I’ve collaborated with production companies like Peddling Pictures, Beach House Pictures, IFA Media, and Tangled Bank Studios, and worked with corporate brands including the Singapore Housing Development Board, GSK, and Trung Nguyen Legend.

I studied Culture and Politics at Georgetown University and speak Mandarin, Spanish, and English, with Portuguese slowly making its way into my brain.

If you’re looking for nuanced, human-centered storytelling, I’d love to connect.